Premium relevant aspects: Measures against defeating of safeguards

The new premium payment procedure of the Berufsgenossenschaft for foodstuff and catering industry (BGN, Germany) has started at the beginning of the year 2014.
In future, exemplary occupational safety should be more worthwhile for the BGN member enterprises. This includes also the measures of prevention of defeating of safeguards.
In order to get a premium, the related enterprise has to meet most of the measures described in several sector specific questionaires. Every realized measure makes points. The BGN will pay a 25 € premium per employee if 80 % of the maximum number of points are reached. (Employee= full time employee with 1600 working hours/year). An amount to a maximum of 100 000 € will be paid.

Information about premium payment procedure (only in german language):, shortlink 1386 >>