|Practical help|
Tuition modules
The tuition modules are intended to support manufacturers and users in planning seminars and other courses in the field of occupational safety and health, in particular on the subject of defeating of safeguards on machinery. The modules comprise an introductory module, one module each for the manufacturer and user of the machine, and a module containing actual design examples.
The modules take the form of ready-to-use presentations. They can be used together or individually. Speakers decide for themselves how much time is needed for their talks and in what depth to address the subject, and can adjust their talk to their audience. The package also includes PDF files containing additional information on the slide content as a support.
The tuition modules include selected examples from specific industries. The principles communicated by these examples can easily be transferred to other sectors. Experience has shown that training participants prefer examples from the area of activity with which they are familiar. If you have created new slides for your own sector, we would appreciate receiving them in order for us to extend our tuition modules.
Preventing defeating of safeguards on machinery
– Tuition modules for accident prevention –
Module 1: Introduction
| Download
Module 2: Design of machines | Download
Module 3: Operation of machines | Download
Module 4: Design examples | Download
ZIP-package | Download |
Information on use of the tuition modules
The tuition modules are subject to German copyright law. The German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) holds the intellectual property rights to use and exploitation of the tuition modules. Contributions by third parties (images/cartoons) are marked as such.
The tuition modules may be used free of charge solely for non-commercial training purposes for the defined group of course participants. Commercial use, for example in talks/presentations for which fees are charged, is not permitted without the prior agreement of the DGUV.
All copyright notices must be retained when the tuition modules are used for any purpose whatsoever. The same applies to copyright notices relating to third-party content and contributions (images and cartoons).