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Legal notice

Provider as defined in the TDG/MD-StV (Tele-Services Act/Interstate Media Act):
Responsible as defined it § 6 (2) Interstate Media Act:

Mannheimer Verein zur internationalen Förderung der Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit e.V.
Section of the ISSA on Machine and System Safety
Dynamostr. 7-11
D-68165 Mannheim

Register: Amtsgericht Mannheim (Local Court)
Registration number: 700146

Power of representation: Andrea Weimar, Secretary General of the Mannheimer Verein

Tel.: +49 621-4456-2213
Fax: +49 6357 509 742

VAT ID number: DE238970729
Responsible in accordance with § 55 II RStV (State Broadcasting Agreement): Andrea Weimar, Dynamostr. 7-11, D-68165 Mannheim

Photo credits:
The rights for the slider photos on the start page are held by:
1. “Vicious Circle Defeating”: O. Rüther, Wiesbaden
2. “Preventing Defeating” countrypixel |fotolia
3. “Detecting Defeating” michalrybski |fotolia

The rights of all other photos on the pages and reports are held by:

Mannheimer Verein zur internationalen Förderung der Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit e.V.
Section of the ISSA on Machine and System Safety
Dynamostr. 7-11, D-68165 Mannheim


Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe (BGN)
Dynamostraße 7-11, D-68165 Mannheim

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